I love the cute expressions and colors of her dolls :))
Finally, I wanted to show you, Tatjana of Chopoli Art is not sculpting in dollhouse size, but I have to show you her latest piece of art, Michel and Fabian, these two guys are just awesome:
I hope you had a nice, warm summer :)) Here in Berlin the weather seems to be reduced to winter and summer this year. The short hot summer is over and it feels like winter already...
The last two months were very busy for me, I had barely time to sculpt... but you know how it is, you make plans and then life happens, lol!
The last days I went with my children chestnut harvesting... my two little sweethearts, Ben (5) and Lea (2) had a lot of fun, as you can see in the following pictures. When I edited the pictures some of them made me laugh so hard my belly still aches :)) Can you stay serious when watching them practice making faces?
Chestnuts, chestnuts... Making faces... Ben loves soccer... Looking for duckies... Hugs, Alex